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  • Industrial applications
    • Multi - morphic computer safety system 

    • Computer  multi-level security implementation system                                      

    •  Long distance  inspection and  explosive maters detection and localizationsystem    

    • Clear water detection and localization system     

    • Long distance inspection , detection and metallic materials structure  localizationsystem    

    • Long distance inspection , detection and non metallic materials structure localization system

    • Inspection , detection and Geopathetic low frequency magnetic fields   localization   system     

    • Geopathetic low frequency magnetic fields density - free system

    • Underground , full pathetic electronic monitoring system  

    • Special constructions 
    • Assembly line units
  • Defensive applications
    • Target identification, localisation and anti-tank land mines automatic activation, microelectronic adapted appliance.                         

    •  Moving land targets identification and destruction, portable, multi-morphic, electronic, system.                     

    • Electronic appliance for ground monitoring and activation of arming systems                                                      

    • Electromagnetic spectrum energetic  deviation system  (STEALTH technology)    

    • Low flying helicopters, planes, hovercrafts and any flying crafts  land based localization, identification and destruction electronic system       

    • Rapid growth, amphibious system against landing and air-landing military crafts boats and ships     

    • Mechanical activation, old technology anti-tank land mines conversion to modern electronic activation and complete width of exploitation system.                     

    • Rapid coat rolling land mines system            

    • Unmanned, self propelled on target transport institutions of various arms, explosives or strong electromagnetic pulse creation weapon (emp) for use on sea , undersea, on air , on land or in space.

    • Long distance detection and metallic land mines localization   system

    • Long distance detection and non metallic land mines localization   system 

    • Explosive matters, land and sea mines, living humans, radiological-chemical-nuclear-biological material structures,  long distance  (over 2.000 meters) detection, specific determination and automatic digital recording in gis (geographical information system) database real time systems    

    • ENIA project

  • Research          
    • Magnetic tuned phenomenon on material structure and WTMS technology         

    • Geopathetic,  low frequency, magnetic fields   detection & localization (1) & relative, density -free techniques (2) 

    • Energy STEALTH shield production  techniques. 

    • Strong Electromagnetic Pulse production and avoidance  systems  techniques  

    •  Weapon carry and monitoring, unmanned small submarines development ,     techniques            

    •  Full pathetic monitoring systems  tech                          

    •  Anti - gravity machines and techniques                          

    •  Land,  Sea, anti-helicopter, hand throw  mines, real time, multisensoring microelectronic systems tech      

    • Old tech anti - tank land mines upgration technics         

    • Pioneering Computer safety systems                            

    • Clear water and generally environmental  research techniques   

    • Explosives and material structures localization techniques.    

    • Land mines detection and record from 2.000 - 4. 000 meters long techniques. 

    • Living life forms and HUMANS detection, using magnetic tuned phenomenon techniques. 

    •  Material structure inspection, detection and  localization  techniques. 

  • Services          
    • Long distance inspection clear water detection and localization services          

    • Long distance inspection , detection and metallic materials structure  localization   services

    • Long distance inspection , detection and non metallic materials structure  localization

    • Inspection , detection of Geopathetic low frequency magnetic fields   localization   services    

    • Long distance  land & sea mines detection and  localization services

    • Long distance  inspection,  detection and localization of BURIED HUMAN BONES, services                               

    • Long distance  inspection,  detection and localization of LIVING HUMANS, services

    • Long distance  inspection and  explosive maters detection and localization services

    •  From long distance detection and localization all known distinguishable material structures, as:  explosive matters, metals and nonmetal structures, plastic , wooden , plastic or metal mines, vehicles, tanks, aquatic layers,  arming systems,   living persons,  human bones,  narcotic substances  vetc.

    • Providence of  low cost, density -free , devices against  those geopathetic low frequency magnetic fields. 

    • Protection from known and unknown emitted radiation   using  appliances which made an  energy shield ( stealth tech) all over the target to  protect.

  • Unknown earth phenomena research
  • Ancient Mentor project
  • Anti conventional research in humans and materials bioenergy
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