G E O M E N T O R               CYPRUS          

                                                                                                                            NEW TECHNOLOGIES , RESEARCH & TRADE COMPANY         

Products/servises                                         GEOMENTOR LTD offers geopathetic radiation localization and prevention services using

Research & development center                             patterned, microelectronic devices.    We also offer c l e a r  water localization services,

Geopathy - Health                                        using unique, original, electronic appliances  ( Greece Industrial Property Organism , pat

News                                                        num  GR 10060352 &  GR 10060087).  Our technicians doing autopsy, checking the area

Contact us                                                                                       and giving advises & solutions about  geopathetic radiation and radon harmful radiation

Co-operation                                               d i l u ti o n, and b e s t  plotting of a residence, office or any other space.   By reducing

Customer Recommendations                                                     h a r m f u l l  geopathietic radiation we achieve to  p r o t e c t  health and well being.  

 Human Expertise                                                  GEOMENTOR is the commercial department of the

                                                                                                     Cyprus Geopathetic Research Institute LTD the Osios David



copyright © 2008 - www.geoment.e-e-e.gr - powered   by GEOMENT

 THIS SITE PUBLISHER DECLARATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       All GEOMENT LTD &  GEOMENT TEAM data & services, seen in those sites, are explicitly  disengage only for visitors personal use.  Any other use or  any kind of promotion,  processed or not, by any medium  is forbidden