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Α  military system  (using one or two users mobile – immobile or combination) detecting and recording the precise specific localisation of distinguishable material structures from long distance (over 20.000 metres). The exact point of located material structure (3) on the ground or surface of sea in real time recorded in a digital geographic background (GIS) data base, on o mobile computer screen (shown as the cross of two white lines 1 & 2 on the second picture).


DRAMS makes the invisible follow-up and by distance digital recording of various terrorism teams and enemies moves possible !

The use of DRAMS can solve most nowadays serious problems as that of automatic recording of minefields, suspect spaces of scatter extemporary explosive devices, not note down minefields and many others. Also can detect and automatic record (geographical coordinates taking automatically from a GPS) sea mines, radiological-chemical-nuclear-biological material structures, dangerous substances, narcotics from long distances, even living humans under ground, up to 25 meters into the ground.  Users of DRAMS do not enter in a minefield to note down the exactly position of land mines,  working regionally in the perimeter, digital recording mines with safety to a limit of 20.000 metres of the frond end of minefield.   


DRAMS can also solve serous security problems such as explosive matters localisation and automatic digital recording from long distances, without enemies or terrorists  conceive this action.


DRAMS digital recording ability offers to user all advantages of modern informative systems that functions in personal computers or laptops, as retraction of data from a geographic database (the exactly point of target lies in the surface of ground or sea, the precise points of the two users attitude, the moving of the two users etc), data representation in computers screens, automatic data transmission to mobile or immobile command and control centres (C4ISR) or any other computer, etc .


THE CONCEPT (what is DRAMS ? )

One , two, three or more KYKLOTRON systems (1,2 ,3 or more users mobile – immobile (on foot) or combination mobile and immobile users) scanning a territory searching for distinguishable material structures (explosives, drugs, metals, humans, bones, etc) from long distance (over 20.000 metres). As an example see next pictures. a, b, c, d,  are 4 users scanning using KYKLOTRON. system the area to be protected (included in the 4 red lines). 

a,b,c,d users scanning continuously inside the protected area (included in red lines).

The direction each user (a,b,c,d) pointing by the antenna of KYKLOTRON system writing  as a color line on a territory digital map in DRAMS computer (laptop or other). 



 a,b,c,d  users can see the antenna direction ( this means that antenna attracted from one target, explosives as an example) , but also can see it as a color line in computers screen, on a digital map. 

At same time a,b,c,d users KYKLOTRON . systems are connected in a 3G (or other tech) communication network , and everybody seen each other lines in their computer screens. Every user knows what himself and the other users searching.  In every user computer screen appeared the point that he stands and the line that his system antenna points.    

  In the example at next picture two users (a,b) using KYKLOTRON  systems located 4 targets (every crossing line is a possible target).'


The exact point of located material structure on the ground or surface of sea in real time recorded in a digital Geographical Information System  (GIS) data base.  

In the same time both users a,b seen this real time icon at their laptops.

At the same icon transmitted by a common 3G (or any other communication system private or military or common) network to any other computer installed in a command and control center, or at any other computer existing in a car or a mobile command and control center. 

This real time icon can easily represent on a big screen of a  command and control center , making KYKLOTRON  system a full C4ISR system.


By the use of DRAMS can solve most nowadays serious problems as that of automatic recording of minefields, suspect spaces of scatter extemporary explosive devices, not note down minefields and many others. Also can detect and automatic record (geographical coordinates taking automatically from a GPS) sea mines, radiological-chemical-nuclear-biological material structures, dangerous substances, narcotics from long distances, even living humans under ground, up to 25 meters into the ground. 

Find targets by a single user



Using two mobile users to find the target





Using two immobile users to find the target





Using two  users (one mobile and one immobile) to find the target



     >> See Video about DRAMS product (wmv):DRAMS 1    


     >> See Video DRAMS working on the field (wmv):DRAMS 2   


     >> See Video about DRAMS tech (wmv):drams2       


     >> See Video how more than two DRAM users acting together (wmv):drams3  


     >> see presentation    about WTMS technology


     >> see patent final researsh refear about WMTS tech


     >> see patents about WMTS tech



DRAMS Users does not enter in a minefield to note down the exactly position of land mines,  working regionally in the perimeter, digital recording mines with safety to a limit of 2.000 metres of the frond end of minefield. 

DRAMS can also solve serous security problems such as explosive matters localisation and automatic digital recording from long distances, without enemies or terrorists  conceive this action. 

Developing DRAMS the invisible follow-up and by distance digital recording of various terrorism teams and enemies moves will be possible !

Our battle tested COTS Hardware and Software using new tech long distance portable Inspection and Detection Systems causing managed phenomena of magnetism resonance in distinguishable   material structures

(explosive matters, ammunitions, land  or sea mines, weapons, RPG’S, stinger  missiles,  explosive devices,  mortar shells, nuclear projectiles, projectiles, antitank weapons, even gunpowder, metals, living humans over or under ground and many other known materials) and detects the specific target  from distances far more than 1000 meters (2.000 – 10.000 meters), in a research sector of 360 degrees and in depths over   8  meters under soil or water,  in the open areas,  but also behind barriers,  buildings,  inside a car or a tank , not  influenced  by  material volumes  as  buildings,  walls, etc.

The integration of  DRAMS will also upgrade existing antiterrorism mechanisms, increasing the ability of reaction in potential terrorist blows with parallel strengthening of the defensive industry in microelectronic systems sector of the institution, organism or country that will decide to include this invention in its wider safety system.

   Important know-how will also be acquired, thus contributing in the ability to further develop early warning antiterrorism systems.  

Thanks to the complete automation provided by DRAMS, precious specialised personnel and valuable funds are saved. As a result, other expensive means of recognition such as specialised, very expensive and not always reliable explosive detecting dogs are avoided.

    The completion of DRAMS will provide both important know-how, as well as the ability to develop and further improve similar systems, using the data collected from the fields of exercises.

    At the same time, its development will promote the country’s defensive industry, thus creating new places of work with direct favourable effect to the indicators of unemployment of the country.

    Elevation of the national defensive level will be achieved. Self-sufficiency in microelectronic defensive systems and precious experience will also be acquired as a result of the upgrade of the antiterrorist system.